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All data & information is GDPR secured (Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018)) registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). All legal work & firms are fully regulated and authorised by the Law Society of Scotland in accordance with the solicitors' code of conduct and Scottish laws by expert solicitors. Please see our Terms & Conditions for details of the and terms of the estimates provided.



Scotland's Lowest Fees for over 10 years. We've helped over 150,247 home movers throughout Scotland save money & keep prices down. Why Pay More to Buy, Sell, Transfer or Remortgage your home? HBC Conveyancing prides itself in providing more than an initial legal estimate. We are aware that as legal work roll on costs can in some cases increase and as part of our own stipulations, all clients have the right to know the costs before instructing a legal firm (not after instructing a legal firm). This is backed by the right for any client to withdraw from the legal work without cost or penalty. Both of these conditions have proven very popular to clients in controlling costs and legal service as any legal work progresses.

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HBC™ We must be doing something right, our testimonials and number of returning clients to all our dedicated lawyers proves that even in these tough times, value is placed on results backed by a commitment to customer service. Our customers and clients vote with their feet and for us that’s a good thing.